[Vmail-discuss] popboxes MAX

Odhiambo Washington wash@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 19:59:45 +0300

* Chris Lightfoot <chris@ex-parrot.com> [20020109 18:23]: wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 03:16:59PM +0000, Paul Warren wrote:
>     [ removal of POP box limit ]
> > No, there isn't a good reason for it.
> > 
> > This sort of things should really be implemented as a DB level
> > constraint, but I suspect that MySQL doesn't support this (future TODO:
> > move to postgres :-)

Jesus!... I just learnt the little bits about MySQL from our webmaster so that
I can implement this and he's still training me. He's not into PostgreSQL.
Does that mean I am sunk this early????
Sorry...I hope it can be possible with MySQL, even..

> It's a possibility....

Only it cannot be right away, in the form of a patch or something??

> > There are a few other issues that need to go into vmail.  I shall
> > aim to do a release shortly.
> OK. There will be a new tpop3d release coming up
> `shortly', but I don't think that it will affect the vmail
> stuff at all.

After 1.3.5??? I downloaded this and compiled it on FreeBSD (the ports has
1.3.4) and it gave me no problem at all, only the normal checksum issue
because I was doing it from within the ports...



S y s t e m s   A d m i n.

Odhiambo Washington  <wash@wananchi.com>    "The box said 'Requires
Wananchi Online Ltd.  www.wananchi.com      Windows 95, NT, or better,'
Tel: 254 2 313985-9   Fax: 254 2 313922     so I installed FreeBSD."   
GSM: 254 72 743 223   GSM: 254 733 744 121  This sig is McQ!  :-)

A great nation is any mob of people which produces at least one honest
man a century.