[Vmail-discuss] You're totally flaccid, and it doesn't take a lot to change something.

Bonilla Rita gfc at corp.untd.com
Sun, 20 May 2007 13:23:46 +0200

GPSI Announces Market Attack Into $1 Trillion Market!

Global Payment Solutions
Symbol: GPSI
Price: $0.03

GPSI announced its plans to address the huge influx of immigrant workers
into the US that need banking solutions that they otherwise would not
qualify for. This market is expected to represent over $1 Trillion
dollars to be managed by 2008. GPSI provides viable solutions to this
market. This is hot, read the news and watch for more Monday! Get on
GPSI first thing Monday!

All you have to do to get diagnosed with cancer is make sure your immune
system is sufficiently suppressed so that your body can't take care of
the cancerous cells on a regular basis.
Sadly, the entire anti-cancer campaign of conventional medicine seems to
be limited to three words: "Don't smoke tobacco.
They believe the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation could be
more harmful than the disease.
Also avoid chemotherapy since it is the most powerful way we know of to
destroy the human immune system, thereby leaving you more vulnerable to
cancer. I've had patients who were beat up that have fibromyalgia.
" So you're always going to have some skepticism between the two fields.
You just need to pull your act together, get a life, go back to work and
quit whining!
I've had patients who were beat up that have fibromyalgia.
Chlorophyll helps the body remove toxins and heavy metals like mercury,
lead, cadmium, and arsenic. In other words, there are cancerous cells in
the human body of every person who is living and breathing right now, at
this very moment. Following with our ever-popular series on "How to Get
Disease," this article discusses how to give yourself a raging case of
cancer. I am an RN case manager and I regularly share the information I
learn from your site with my patients. The more you smoke, the more
likely you are to get cancer, especially if you're eating cancer-causing
foods and ingredients as discussed above.
" This is, of course, not a scientific statement, it's more of an
insult. They argued the treatment was experimental and that they had not
been properly informed about it. And yet their version of the truth has
no roots in reality.
For example, how many doctors are still screaming for people to avoid
sunlight like it was the plague? He's also a noted pioneer in the email
marketing software industry, having been the first to launch an HTML
email newsletter technology that has grown to become a standard in the
You're totally flaccid, and it doesn't take a lot to change something.
And sadly, many people actually still believe these doctors and
researchers who continue to defend the highly destructive practices of
western medicine.
If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job
where you work all night and sleep all day.
Here it is: "Like green plants, they are rich in chlorophyll, a pigment
that enables them to turn sunlight into energy, but is of no use to the
human body.
I buy their publications for other reasons like the recipes and
interesting articles they do publish. I know that may not be your
Your nutrition stuff is always excellent too, and the political stuff is
so fun and right on "target".
This occurred despite the hospital's policy, which states, "there should
be a second licensed person checking the drug before administration,''
according to the report. Ben: In your interview with The Nevada Appeal,
you predicted some sort of battle with medical professionals about your
" Now we've come up with fibromyalgia as a real entity that is causing
this, and people come in telling you this. Stay informed on breaking
news about natural health, renewable energy and more.
There are numerous other examples of studies that clearly demonstrate
the health-enhancing effects of these superfoods. I buy their
publications for other reasons like the recipes and interesting articles
they do publish.
And everything is considered scientifically false unless it agrees with
their version of truth.
In order to find sodium nitrate, all you have to do is walk around the
grocery store, read the ingredients labels of various packaged meat
products and purchase those products that contain it. Truth Publishing
assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.
Chemotherapy is perhaps the most effective method known to modern
science for destroying the human immune system other than working at
Chernobyl during a nuclear accident.
They look at us and say, "We think this should be done this way. Because
men have much larger bone structures, they're built to take abuse much
better, so we have a better chance of getting over it. This is the
pro-cancer plan that's actually promoted by brand-name food
manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and most of conventional
medicine. " When I first read this statement, I was astonished that the
University of California would allow such an obviously ignorant
statement to be published in its name. It would probably be more
The article says: "There's no scientific evidence that blue-green algae
can cure or treat any illness or has any health benefit.
I put that on there because I feel there is some information that people
could learn something from. Track news on cancer at DiseaseWatch.
Stay informed on breaking news about natural health, renewable energy
and more.
The studies are almost universally distorted to show exaggerated,
positive results that favor the drug manufacturer.
If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job
where you work all night and sleep all day.
It's other traumas too. You just need to pull your act together, get a
life, go back to work and quit whining!
For example, today statin drugs are being called miracle drugs that can
cure practically anything that ails you. Is it usually physical trauma?
We respect your privacy.
Adams is an independent journalist with strong ethics who does not get
paid to write articles about any product or company. He's also a noted
pioneer in the email marketing software industry, having been the first
to launch an HTML email newsletter technology that has grown to become a
standard in the industry. This article attacks blue-green algae,
spirulina, and chlorella with a series of outlandish statements that can
only be called utterly dim-witted.
It also may be professional jealousy.