[Vmail-discuss] Multiple emails on forward!

Manuel Giorgini Manuel Giorgini <giorgini@interlogica.net>
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 15:19:35 +0100

[2003-01-22 15:19:58] Jose de Paula Eufrasio Junior,

JdPEJ> I'm trying to set up a way to make vmail forward a mail to varios
JdPEJ> recipients, but I'm not being very sucessfull here...

You can define a forwarding address to a comma-separated list of valid
e-mail addresses, e.g.

# VE-forwarder add domain.com joe joe@a.com,joe@b.com,joe@c.com

If I got your problem right, this should do.

Cordialità / Best regards / Gxis la
Manuel Giorgini <giorgini@interlogica.net>, Programmatore
INTERLOGICA e-business solutions -  http://www.interlogica.net
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Tel +39 041 961392 - Fax +39 041 954201