[tpop3d-discuss] Authentication Failed

Lane Vance lists at lanevance.com
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 14:58:51 -0500


Thank you very much for the advise on building 1.4.2!!  That worked
great and tpop3d is now authenticating correctly.

However, the query is set to bsd rather than maildir.  Thus, tpop3d is
not seeing the 5 or 6 messages in the mail box.  Is there a command I
can put in the conf file to force maildir over bsd?  Do I need to use
auth-mysql-pass-query and setup my own query and pass maildir instead of

This time I issued the following when I ran configure:

CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include/mysql CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/mysql
LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib ./configure --enable-auth-mysql --enable-mbox-maildir
--disable-auth-pam --disable-mbox-bsd


-----Original Message-----
From: tpop3d-discuss-admin@lists.beasts.org
[mailto:tpop3d-discuss-admin@lists.beasts.org] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:46 PM
To: Lane Vance
Cc: tpop3d-discuss@lists.beasts.org
Subject: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] Authentication Failed

On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 12:20:11PM -0500, Lane Vance wrote:
> as odd is the "bsd" that is returned from the MySQL query.  Is this a 
> reference to tpop3d trying to use the bsd style spool?  I am using the

> Maildir format as I would like to get Courier IMAP working as well.


> Downloaded latest from CVS and built it with the following command.  
> Had to get the CVS because of the same problem reported on the list 
> about having installed MySQL from RPMs and the libs and include files 
> in different directories:

I think the version in CVS was broken when you downloaded
it. You can try what's there now, or, probably better,
download 1.4.2 and run configure like this:

    CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/mysql/headers CFLAGS=-I/path/to/mysql/headers
LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/mysql/libs ./configure ...

Note that the version in CVS is *certainly* unsupported,
even more so than the prereleases.

``Some people don't like an audience when they work. Enough of them have
  me so with blunt instruments that I'm a phrenologist's dream come
  (Calvin, as private eye Tracer Bullet, in Bill Waterson's Calvin and

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