[Vmail-discuss] Good Day

Mr. Jack Chen. yrccltd at yahoo.com.tw
Mon, 4 Jan 2010 01:10:05 +0000 (GMT)

Good Day ,
This is an official requisition for your legal consultation services on b=
ehalf of Yiwu Rostar Craftwork Co. Ltd.
We are based in China and our principal activity is manufacturing of spec=
ialize in high-density pure  cotton yarn, dyed fabric and make shirts, te=
xtile & fabric - fabric lace wholesale, lace embroidery, shoe laces, embr=
oidered lace exporters, embroidered lace trims & designs, fabric embroide=
red lace, bridal lace fabrics etc.Other activities include constructing,l=
easing and selling residential and  commercial buildings and provision of=
 investment services.=20
We are presently incapacitated due to international legal boundaries to e=
xert pressure on our delinquent customers in America, Europe and we reque=
st for your services accordingly.
We got your contact information from the state of Europe lawyers Director=
y as a result of our search  for a reliable firm or individual to provide=
 legal services as requested. After a careful review of your profile as w=
ell as your qualification and experience, we are of the opinion that you =
are capable and qualified to provide the legal services as requested.=20
Please accept my sincerest appreciation on behalf of Yiwu Rostar Craftwor=
k Co. Ltd. in advance for your willingness to render your services as we =
look forward to your prompt response to our request.=20
Thank you.
Mr. Jack Chen.
Room 1607, No.999 North Chouzhou Road,=20
Yiwu, Zhejiang,=20
Zip: 322000=20