[Vmail-discuss] Your health, neck handkerchief

Freddie Jolly FreddieJolly at 0451.com
Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:49:41 +0180

Even if you have no erectin problems SOFT CIA5LIS 
would help you to make BETTER SE2X MORE OFTEN!
and to bring  unimagnable plesure to her.

Just disolve half a pil under your tongue 
and get ready for action in 15 minutes. 

The tests showed that the majority of men 
after taking this medic ation were able to have 
PERFECT ERBECTION during 36 hours!



     "But you can Jonathan. For you have learned. One school is  finished,
Lack of software backup disks

young Fletcher Gull was very  nearly  a  perfect  flight-student.  He  was
Now on to some things I wish could be improved upon.  My particular notebook I got at CompUSA.com (because the store in town was sold out) and it had 1 dead sub pixel at the edge of the screen.  I must say it is never noticeable except on dark backgrounds but it just bugs me to know it is there.  The battery design is a bit strange as well; it fits loosely into the compartment!  You would think the engineers could come up with a better solution but it does not affect usability in any way.  Also it seams to shutdown very slowly, after the blue windows is shutting down screen comes on it seams to just stay and stay and stay.  Finally I really wish Sony would include backup disks not just a utility to burn your own disks.