[tpop3d-discuss]Is this list still alive?
kevin at vanhaaren.net
Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:26:22 -0600
Quoting Chris Lightfoot <chris@ex-parrot.com>:
> so yes, the list is still just about alive. as for the
> spam -- well, none of it gets through my spam filter, so i
> don't really notice. i can change the list to
> subscribers-only posting if people would prefer that.
I would prefer that. I just signed up for the list a week or so ago and am
worried my spam filter will start rejecting all tpop3d messages as spam since
that is all that was coming through.
Also the archives are getting the spam, making the list seem like a bad
idea to
sign-up (I almost didn't).
On the plus side, setting up my tpop3d with MySQL and SSL was pretty darn easy
so I didn't need to ask questions....