[tpop3d-discuss]tpop3d and mysql5

Barbara Nowak Barbara Nowak <basiamnowak at yahoo.co.uk>
Tue, 1 Aug 2006 12:34:02 +0000 (GMT)


I try to configure tpop3d with mysql database, but authentication to pop3 always fails :(

Tpop3d: 1.5.3
Mysql: 5.0.22

Pop3d and mysql are on others servers.

My config is:

auth-mysql-enable: true
auth-mysql-mail-group: mail
auth-mysql-hostname: mysql.server.com
auth-mysql-database: db
auth-mysql-username: mysql_login
auth-mysql-password: mysql_password
auth-mysql-pass-query:  SELECT CONCAT('/var/spool/mail/SERVERS/','$(domain)','/'
,mbox_name),CONCAT('{plaintext}',password_hash),'mail','maildir' FROM popbox WHE
RE local_part='$(local_part)'
log-facility: mail
append-domain: false

My database:
CREATE TABLE `popbox` (
  `domain_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `local_part` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `password_hash` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`domain_name`(16),`local_part`(32))

INSERT INTO `popbox` (`domain_name`, `local_part`, `password_hash`) VALUES ('server.com', 'postmaster', 'test');

On client side - pop3 session:
#telnet pop3.server.com 110

+OK <8d59495bdaae0b162eba01fbf7e1fdea@server.com>
user postmaster
+OK Tell me your password.
pass test
-ERR Lies! Try again!
+OK Fine. Be that way.

On pop3d server: 
# tpop3d -v -d

parse_listeners: listening on address aa.bb.cc.dd:110
get_mysql_server: now using server mysql.server.com
1 authentication drivers successfully loaded
net_loop: tpop3d version 1.5.3 successfully started
connection_sendresponse: client [1] sent `+OK <8d59495bdaae0b162eba01fbf7e1fdea@server.com>'
listeners_post_select: client [1] connected to local address aa.bb.cc.dd:110
connection_parsecommand: client [1] received `user postmaster'
connection_sendresponse: client [1] sent `+OK Tell me your password.'
connection_parsecommand: client [1] received `pass [...]'
connection_sendresponse: client [1] sent `-ERR Lies! Try again!'
connection_do: client `[1]': username `postmaster': 1 authentication failures
connection_parsecommand: client [1] received `quit'
connection_sendresponse: client [1] sent `+OK Fine. Be that way.'
connections_post_select: client [1] disconnected; 34/122 bytes read/written
net_loop: terminating on signal 2

On mysql server I had only:
060801 13:39:40    3641 Connect     mysql_login@pop3.server.com on db 
060801 13:41:45    3641 Quit

What I'm doing wrong ?
