[tpop3d-discuss]authentication failures on Mac OS X 10.3

Daniel Tiefnig tpop3d at inode.at
Tue, 20 Dec 2005 16:44:51 +0100

Roger Baig Viņas wrote:
> compliaton following README.darwin:
> ./configure --disable-auth-pam --enable-auth-passwd

Are your passwords in /etc/passwd? If not, and if they're in
/etc/shadow, you'll have to specify --enable-shadow-passwords in
addition to --enable-auth-passwd.

> As I said everyting seem to indicate that the authentication process
> fails, but I don't know how to fix the problem. I will try to
> complie the source code using pam, but I do not expect good
> results... I'll tell you about it.

IMHO one should prefer auth-pam over auth-passwd anyway whenever it's
