[tpop3d-discuss]tpop3d 1.5.3 and TLS

Manuel Giorgini Manuel Giorgini <giorgini at interlogica.net>
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:55:46 +0100

[2004-12-21 15:29:55] Dave Baker,

DB> Here's the top part of my conf:
DB> listen-address:;tls=immediate,/etc/ssl/yoursslcert.crt,/etc/ssl/yoursslcert.key

Ah, that's exactly what I was needing. Thanks a lot.

Cordialità / Best regards / Gxis la
Manuel Giorgini <giorgini@interlogica.net>, Programmatore
INTERLOGICA e-business solutions -  http://www.interlogica.net
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