[tpop3d-discuss] Sample config for distribution in FreeBSD

Chris Elsworth chris at shagged.org
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 12:57:47 +0100

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I'm not sure if someone has done this already, but I couldn't find
anything so took the liberty of starting over. The sample config for
tpop3d in FreeBSD at the moment is rather useless, so I've basically
gone through man tpop3d.conf and extracted the most useful information
into a config file; this is most how I like to work, vi a config, go
through the options, and toggle stuff as I see it. Fastest way to get
a basic server up.

I'm pasting it here for your approval and comments, before I commit it
to the FreeBSD team, is there anything I missed or anything you'd like
changing? I know the authenticator section is rather bare but without
pasting the entire manpage sections, it's difficult to explain much
there; the global options were what I was going for initially anyway.

There's also a typo in the manpage; line 715:
       auth-perl-finish: perl code
              Specify a line fo perl code to be executed when the authentica-
              tion driver is shut down.

"fo perl code"


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# listen-address: address[:port][(domain)|/regex/][;tls-options] ...
# most basic syntax; listen on every interface on default port:
# or perhaps you want to enable SSL using
# the certificate /usr/local/etc/tpop3d-cert:

# maximum number of connections to serve at any given time [default: 16]
#max-children: 16

# append-domain: (yes|true)
# Fall back onto authenticating with username@domain if required, where
# domain is the domain name associated with the address on which the
# connection was received [default: no]
#append-domain: true

# strip-domain: (yes|true)
# Fall back onto authenticating with username only if username@domain is
# supplied and fails to authenticate. [default: no]
#strip-domain: true

# apop-only: (yes|true)
# Disconnect  any client which sends a USER command: [default: no]
#apop-only: true

# timeout-seconds: number
# Number of seconds for which a connection may be idle before it is closed.
# The RFC requires 600. [default: 30]
timeout-seconds: 600

# log-facility: facility
# The  `facility'  as which tpop3d emits system log messages.
#log-facility: mail

# log-stderr: (yes|true)
# Send  log  messages to standard error as well as the system log.
#log-stderr: true

# no-detach: (yes|true)
# Do  not  detach  from  controlling terminal.
#no-detach: true

# mailbox: [mailbox-driver:]path-spec ...
# Selects the location, and optionally the type, of the mailbox to use when
# a user is authenticated.
mailbox: bsd:/var/mail/$(user)

# mailspool-index: path-spec
# Selects the location of metadata cache files for BSD mailspools
# tpop3d needs to be able to create files in your mailspool path for this;
# alternatively change the path specified. [default: no index]
#mailspool-index: $(name).tpop3d-index

# maildir-exclusive-lock: (yes|true)
# Indicates that tpop3d should attempt to lock maildirs for exclusive access
# [default: no]
#maildir-exclusive-lock: true

# tcp-wrappers-name: name
# Selects the `daemon name' used by tpop3d with TCP Wrappers [default: tpop3d]
#tcp-wrappers-name: tpop3d

# drac-server: hostname
# Gives the name of a server to which tpop3d should send DRAC notifications
#drac-server: localhost

# whoson-enable: (yes|true)
# Enable notification of successful logins to a WHOSON server as defined
# in /etc/whoson.conf. [default: no]
#whoson-enable: true

# tls-no-bug-workarounds: (yes|true)
# Disable workarounds for various bugs in client TLS implementations
#tls-no-bug-workarounds: true


# permit-empty-password: (yes|true)
# Users may log in with an empty password. [default: no]
#permit-empty-password: true

# onlogin-child-wait: (yes|true)
# If the authenticator offers an `onlogin' action, the user's mailbox won't
# be opened until after the onlogin action completes. See manpage for info.
#onlogin-child-wait: true

## PAM authentication options
# auth-pam-enable: (yes|true)
# nable authentication using Pluggable Authentication Modules.
auth-pam-enable: yes

# auth-pam-facility: facility
# Sets the PAM facility name used by tpop3d [default: tpop3d]
#auth-pam-facility: tpop3d

# auth-pam-mail-group: (group-name | gid)
# The  group  name or gid under which access to the mailspool will take
# place. [default: gid of authenticated user]
auth-pam-mail-group: mail

# auth-pam-mail-user:  (user-name | uid)
# Names a local user whose credentials are used for users without local accounts
#auth-pam-mail-user: mailnull

## Password authentication options
# auth-passwd-enable: (yes|true)
# Enable authentication using /etc/passwd.
#auth-passwd-enable: true

# auth-passwd-mail-group: (group-name | gid)
# The group name or gid under which access to the mailspool will take place.
#auth-passwd-mail-group: mail

## MySQL authentication options
# auth-mysql-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable MySQL authentication.
#auth-mysql-enable: true

# auth-mysql-mail-group: (group-name | gid)
# The group name or gid under which access to the mailspool will take place.
# [default: group of user associated with virtualdomain]
#auth-mysql-mail-group: mail

# auth-mysql-hostname: hostname [[hostname] hostname] ..
# Host on which to connect to MySQL. Tried in order until a working host is
# found. [default: localhost]
#auth-mysql-hostname: localhost

# auth-mysql-database: database
# MySQL database to use for authentication.
#auth-mysql-database: mail

# auth-mysql-username: username
# MySQL username used to access the database.
#auth-mysql-username: mail

# auth-mysql-password: password
# Password of MySQL user
# auth-mysql-password: s3cr3t

# auth-mysql-pass-query: substitution string
# Query template to use for USER/PASS authentication.
# Return mailpath, password, userid, mailspool type
#auth-mysql-pass-query: SELECT mailpath, password, userid, spooltype...

# auth-mysql-apop-query: substitution string
# Query template to use for APOP authentication.
# See auth-mysql-pass-query

# auth-mysql-onlogin-query: substitution string
# Query template to use for POP-before-SMTP operation.
# See manpage.

## Postgres authentication options
# auth-pgsql-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable Postgres authentication.
#auth-pgsql-enable: true

# These options are exactly the same as their MySQL counterparts.

## LDAP authentication options
## Please read the manpage for thorough details of these.
# auth-ldap-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable LDAP authentication.
#auth-ldap-enable: true

# auth-ldap-url: LDAP URL
# LDAP URL indicating server against which to make authentication requests.

# auth-ldap-searchdn: LDAP server username
# DN to use when binding to LDAP server to search for a user.

# auth-ldap-password: LDAP server password
# Password of search user.

# auth-ldap-filter: substitution string
# Filter template to use when searching for a user's account.

# auth-ldap-scope: (subtree|base|onelevel)
# Scope of LDAP searches. If not specified, the default is `sub-tree'

# auth-ldap-mailbox: [mailbox-driver:]path-spec ...
#  User mailbox location, as described above.

# auth-ldap-mailbox-attr: attribute name
# auth-ldap-mboxtype-attr: attribute name
# LDAP attributes which contains the name of a user's mailbox, and its type

# auth-ldap-mail-user: (user-name | uid)
# auth-ldap-mail-group: (group-name | gid)
# User and group under which access to the mailbox will take place

# auth-ldap-mail-user-attr: attribute name
# auth-ldap-mail-group-attr: attribute name

## Flat file authentication options
# auth-flatfile-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable flat file authentication.
#auth-flatfile-enable: yes

# auth-flatfile-passwd-file: substitution string
# Specify the file in which tpop3d will search for a user's password
#auth-flatfile-passwd-file: /usr/local/etc/tpop3d/passwd

# auth-flatfile-mail-user: (user-name | uid)
# auth-flatfile-mail-group: (group-name | gid)
# User and group under which  access to the mailbox will take place

## External program (`other') authentication options
# auth-other-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable external program authentication.
#auth-other-enable: true

# auth-other-program: path
# Program to use for external authentication
#auth-other-program: /usr/local/sbin/..

# auth-other-user: (user-name | uid)
# auth-other-group: (group-name | gid)
# The user and group under which to run the authentication program

# auth-other-timeout: time
# The timeout in seconds for authentication [default: 0.75]
#auth-other-timeout: 0.75

## Perl authentication options
# auth-perl-enable: (yes | true)
# Enable authentication via an embedded perl interpreter.
#auth-perl-enable: true

# auth-perl-start: perl code
# Specify a line of perl code to be executed at startup
#auth-perl-start: do '/usr/local/etc/tpop3d/tpop3d.pl'

# auth-perl-finish: perl code
# Specify a line of perl code to be executed when the authentication driver
# is shut down

# auth-perl-apop: subroutine name
# Specify  the name of a perl subroutine which will be called when
# a request for APOP authentication is received.

# auth-perl-pass: subroutine name
# Specify the name of a perl subroutine which will be called when
# a request for USER/PASS authentication is received.

# auth-perl-onlogin: subroutine name
# Specify the name of a perl subroutine which will be called after
# a successful login for POP-before-SMTP operation.
