[tpop3d-discuss] RE: LDAP Authentication

prune prune at lecentre.net
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 09:40:31 +0200

Thai Tran wrote:

>	Sorry to bother you but I'm pretty knew at this and this might seem like a
>stupid question, but how would I go about editing the filter to my
>specifications?  I would like to log in with username@domain.com for
>example.  The username portion is an attribute within the object which is
>'uid'.  I'm quite new to all this and I've tried running through the
>auth_ldap.c and auth_ldap.h not knowing where to start.  I would understand
>how to use tpop3d more if the query was in a ldap URL format.  I am
>currently using this schema for Exim already and I was hoping I could keep
>it this simple.
>Here is a snip of one of my objects:
>dn: cn=t_tran99,dc=mye-znet.com,o=mye-znet
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: person
>objectClass: mailUser
>dc: mye=znet.com
>sn: Tran
>cn: Thai
>uid: t_tran99
>mailQuota: 5M
>userPassword:: e01ENX03NVVDQW9NZkRweE41ZDhKZXlwcVhBPT0=
>mailMessageStore: /home/mailspool/mye-znet.com/t_tran99/
>Thanks again,
>Thai Q. Tran
>Email t_tran99@yahoo.com


what you could try to do, is provide us wuth the openldap logs (check 
syslog to find them out). As said dave, you are probably searching for 
an attribute which does not exist in you schema.
Could you also send us the configuration file of tpop3d ???

We'll then try to help you. I also suggest to have a look to 
www.openldap.org, and learn some stuffs about ldap. It's very simple to 
setup tpop3d with ldap, as long as you know how does Ldap work.

