[asd@mail.musichello.com: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] unexpected PAM auth. failure, may be a bug? (tpop3d-1.3.5)]

Chris Lightfoot chris at ex-parrot.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:22:55 +0000

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 11:01:36PM +0100, Vasarhelyi asd Daniel wrote:
> Would anyone tell me, why isn't it working?
> ls -la /path/to/virtual/mailboxes/z
> -rw-rw-rw-    1 fakeuser mailer        771 feb  4 17:34 /path/to/virtual/mailboxes/z
> mailspool_new_from_file: stat(/usr/local/musichello/mailroot/z): Permission denied

Does that user have search rights to all of the
directories? Can you do (say)

    perl -e 'stat "/usr/local/musichello/mailroot/z" or die $!'

as user fakeuser?

 If you see a long line of rats streaming off of a ship, the correct
 assumption is not `Gosh, I bet that's a real nice boat now that those
 rats are gone.' (Mike Sphar)