[tpop3d-discuss] compile fails on Solaris 8 / gcc 3.0

Chris Lightfoot chris at ex-parrot.com
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:51:42 +0100

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 07:41:58PM -0400, pop3 lists archive wrote:
> > > nanosleep(3RT) manpage references the following include:
> > > #include <time.h>
> > 
> > This should already be in there.
> "#include <sys/time.h>" was, "#include <time.h>" wasnt...
> they appear to be two entirely different files.

Hmm. Both are included in my copy.

> > You also need -lrt for the realtime extension library, I
> > think. For the moment, try adding it to the LIBS = ...
> > line in the Makefile. I will have a look at fixing the
> > configure script to do this properly.
> That did it, thanks for all your help.
> By the way, has anyone done any performance tests with tpop3d?
> Is it concidered stable enough for a production environment (without
> stuff like the mbox meta data caching etc)?

I use it (on Linux) in a production environment (albeit a
fairly small site). I understand that others use it on
sites of varying size with a number of different
configurations. The mailbox index caching is new and
experimental, but no problems have been turned up with it
so far.

I have some code for automated testing, which I may make
available (it's fairly trivial). Objective performance
testing is somewhat difficult to do (largely because you
need to tie down what your performance test is actually
measuring); however, tpop3d is certainly much faster than
the Washington University server and is, I believe, as
fast as or faster than other comparable servers. Obviously
I haven't tested them all and I don't have numbers to back
up my claim.

Nevertheless, I think it is, performance-wise, a good
implementation within the limitations of what it does. (In
particular, its interaction with the Unix security model
demands that it fork for each connection, and use of the
BSD mailspool format means a performance hit, however
clever the parsing and rewriting stuff is. Maildir is much
faster, obviously.)

Chris Lightfoot -- www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/
 ``For a second year, Mongolia is suffering
   winter conditions unmatched in living memory.'' (BBC News)