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Sun, 20 Apr 2003 17:14:59 +0100

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<P><FONT face="Arial" size="2">Keep track of the real market value through 3.2 million 
fine art auction records covering 290,000 artists from the 4th C. to present and trace 
their works at auctions with <A href=""><FONT color=black>Artprice 
the world leader in Art Market information</FONT></A></FONT>. 
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<P><FONT face="Arial" size="2">Ma&icirc;trisez les vrais prix du march&eacute; avec 
nos 3,2 millions d'adjudications couvrant 290&nbsp;000 artistes du 4e si&egrave;cle 
&agrave; nos jours et tracez les &#156;uvres d'art avec <A href=""><FONT color=black><BR>
Artprice, leader mondial de l'information du march&eacute; de l'Art</FONT></A>. </FONT>
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Join the art market insiders who constantly use the data&nbsp;banks produced by&nbsp;Artprice! 
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Artprice Basics&reg;</A>: <A href="">US$ 8.25</A> per month 
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<P><FONT face="Arial">Rejoignez le cercle des initi&eacute;s du march&eacute; de l'art 
qui consultent les banques de donn&eacute;es Artprice ! <A href=""> 
Artprice Basics&reg;</A> : <A href="">8,25 EUROS</A> par 
mois</FONT> </P>
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