Paul SIGNAC . . . . . . . . . Pointillism

Post-Impressionism unsub at
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 00:43:30 +0100

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<P><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#AE0000"><B>Future sale</B><br>
April 20, 2003, ME Dupuy, Honfleur<BR>
April 23, 2003, Bonhams &amp; Butterfields, Los Angeles<BR>
April 26, 2003, Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Paris </FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#AE0000"><BR>
<B>Impressionnism and post-impressionnism, the miracle of colour, masterpieces from 
the Fondation Corboud</B><br>
January 25, 2003-May 25, 2003, Kunsthal Rotterdam<br>
<B>Paul Signac, retrospective</B><br>
June 18, 2003-November 23, 2003, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny </FONT> 
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<P><FONT face="Arial" size="2"><B>Price index for Paul Signac</B><BR>
Base year 1997 (for all categories)<BR>
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<IMG src="" 
width="350" height="218" border="0" alt="Paul Signac"></A>&nbsp;<BR>
US$ 100 invested in 1997 in a work of SIGNAC, Paul (1863-1935)<BR>
have an average value of US$ 138 in December 2002</FONT></P>
<P><B><FONT size="3" face="Arial"> Rank of artist by turnover<BR>
</FONT></B><FONT face="Arial" size="2">Among all artists in the artprice data bank</FONT> 
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<P><B><FONT face="Arial">1999</FONT></B></P>
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<P><B><FONT face="Arial">2000</FONT></B></P>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> 
<P><B><FONT face="Arial">2001</FONT></B></P>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> 
<P><B><FONT face="Arial">2002</FONT></B></P>
<tr valign="bottom" align="left"> 
<td nowrap width='11%' bgcolor="#e8e8e8"> <FONT face="Arial" size="2">Rank by turnover</FONT></td>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><FONT face="Arial" size="2">46</FONT></td>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><FONT face="Arial" size="2">188</FONT></td>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><FONT face="Arial" size="2">88</FONT></td>
<td width='11%' align="middle" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><FONT face="Arial" size="2"><B><FONT size="+1">35</FONT></B></FONT></td>
<FONT face="Arial" size="2"><B>Breakdown of artist's Turnover</B><BR>
Sales period: January 1999 - December 2002</FONT><BR>
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<p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>Le vrai prix de l'art !</b><br>
Quelle banque de donn&eacute;es mondiale peut vous fournir 1&nbsp;125 r&eacute;sultats 
d'adjudications d'&#156;uvres pour <B>Paul&nbsp;Signac</B>, ses cotes et indices, 
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<p><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#790000"><B>Vente future</B><br>
20 avril 2003, ME Dupuy, Honfleur<BR>
23 avril 2003, Bonhams &amp; Butterfields, Los Angeles<br>
26 avril 2003, Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Paris<BR>
<B>Impressionnism and post-impressionnism, the miracle of colour, masterpieces from 
the Fondation Corboud</B><br>
25 janvier 2003-May 25, 2003, Kunsthal Rotterdam<br>
<B>Paul Signac, r&eacute;trospective</B><br>
18 juin 2003-23 novembre 2003, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny </FONT> 
<P align="center"><FONT face="Arial" size="2"><B>Indices des prix pour Paul Signac</B><BR>
Base 100 en 1997 (toutes disciplines confondues)<BR>
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width="350" height="218" border="0" alt="Paul Signac"></A><BR>
100 US$ investis en 1997 dans une oeuvre de SIGNAC, Paul (1863-1935)<BR>
valent en moyenne 138 USD en d&eacute;cembre 2002</FONT> 
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